Volunteer camps, known worldwide as “workcamps”, are a unique experience for each participant, but also for the local community in which they are held. The idea itself arose after the First World War, in response to the destruction of the war, the division of peoples and the rise of nationalism. By gathering volunteers from countries that were originally enemies, it was proven that people of different cultures, orientations and identities can live and work together and thus overcome socially imposed barriers.

Volunteer camps usually last 2 weeks, but there are also camps that last up to 3 weeks. The camps we organize today have not changed much from the original ones The goal that stakeholders from different countries continue to assemble, work together, live, share experiences and gain new ones by helping the local community organize various events such as festivals and children’s summer schools, taking care of animals, nature parks, urban gardens, organizing activities for children, youth, older and other groups has remained the same.
No prior knowledge is required to participate in any of these camps. People usually go to the camps to learn and experience something new. However, it is understood that the participant has knowledge of the English language. In working together and socializing, you meet other participants in a way that ordinary tourism does not allow you to. Participating in a camp can be an intense experience – and it doesn’t look like a vacation in any way! In those two weeks of the camp, a lot can be experienced. We work 5-6 hours a day, but there are also days off, of course. Each camp has one or more experienced coordinators, who take care of the group and its dynamics, and includes visiting important places, and everything that makes one place where the camp is located special and recognizable.

As far as food and accommodation are concerned, they are free and provided by the organizations responsible for the organizers of a certain camp. In many cases, the food is prepared by volunteers from the food provided by the organizers. Thus, every day 2-3 volunteers make up the “kitchen team”, which prepares lunch for those who perform tasks at that time. In some cases, meals can be organized in canteens or readily delivered to groups. When we talk about accommodation, the word “camp” does not necessarily mean that accommodation is always in tents. On the contrary, accommodation is often in schools, student’s, or mountain dormitories, but it happens that the accommodation is sometimes in tents, which you either bring yourself or are provided with. Of course, this will be told to you in advance.
You can also participate as a camp coordinator, help other volunteers find their way, facilitate study visits and workshops, and thus contribute to creating a pleasant atmosphere and cooperation.
In the end, when you look at the description of a camp, you will easily notice all the already mentioned characteristics of the camp and decide on the one that is most interesting to you. Each description of the camp must contain the following:
- Date of the camp
- Camp Location
- Camp category that you can find in the camp database (eg kids, manual work, conservation, etc.)
- Number of volunteers
You will also be able to find a brief description of the project and the local partner, as well as the work to be done, the accommodation, and food that will be provided and if any special skills are required.

For any questions about how to apply, please reach out to us via email, while you can check the workcamp database here ->